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Marketing Apps

Real Estate Marketing App Helps Automate Your Business

Real Estate business growth is heavily dependent on traditional as well as digital marketing strategies, especially the latter, in today’s world. According to expert statistics, the use of real estate marketing apps increased the number of daily contact customers 2.5 times and the first week profit by 19%.
Understanding the needs of the market, Skydev has designed marketing applications exclusively in real estate to help automate advertising campaigns and easily measure indicators in real time.

Understanding the needs of the market, Skydev has designed marketing applications exclusively in real estate to help automate advertising campaigns and easily measure indicators in real time.

Sales app supports visual project visits and booking in the real estate industry

Our Offerings

Visitor Tracking


Skydev’s real estate marketing app allows you to track your visits. It is a technique for tracking who visits your company’s website and how long they stay on each page. It also informs you which of your pieces of content they are engaging with. Tracking visitors is a useful way to observe not only who is viewing your content, but also what they are most interested in.

Lead Management System


Contact management is an extremely valuable feature of real estate marketing apps. Contact management makes it simple to store and retrieve contact information. It can also track all of your company’s interactions with contacts, allowing you to understand where they are in the sales cycle at any given time.
Furthermore, contact management may be used to save notes and any extra information that can be used to empower sales talks with potential customers.

Integrations with CRM & Salesforce


Skydev’s marketing software integration with CRM and Salesforce allows you to engage your existing customers and prospects on their mobile devices while also connecting the data and products you already have to your marketing efforts.

Your Benefits

Showcase real estate projects or products with minimal manual effort by sending automated messages to your customers at the right time. You can use our solutions to automatically optimize campaigns in order to maximize KPIs and achieve profitable scale.

Marketing apps enable you to create interactive experiences that engage your audience. Instead of focusing solely on blog posts and social media campaigns, your company can create pieces that provide real value to the public and motivate them to act in real time.

A mature marketing strategy, also known as a marketing approach, requires direct collaboration with the sales team. The best options will enable your sellers to directly contact marketers, share insights, and find ways to improve the strategy due to their integrating features. Furthermore, a marketing app will generate data that is extremely valuable to both departments. It is possible to improve how you approach your leads and accelerate their journey through the sales funnel by gaining access to detailed reports.


Rest assured that we will always have guidance from Skydev experts after the release of the app if you need it. Besides, we will always be there and answer your questions within 30 minutes.

Our mission in real estate marketing app development is to code and rethink the entire user’s journey within the solution, as well as to create a fresh visual appearance that will breathe new life into the product. As a result, our business analytics and design teams had to step in first, only to connect developers to the process of developing highly functional real estate marketing apps.

Why Choose Skydev Real Estate Marketing Apps

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