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AI Coach Platform

From New Hires to Agent Upskilling, AI Simulation Training is Proven to Drive KPI Growth

From Agents to Managers and Trainers, Call Simulator delivers ROI across all contact center KPIs.

Faster Speed to Proficiency

56% faster agent speed-to-proficiency vs. traditional training. Easily accessed around the globe via any web browser in over 79 languages. Self-paced allows high achievers to move faster.

Confident Agents drive Improved CSAT

33% higher average CSAT scores with AI Coach Call Simulator. Advanced simulation capabilities and branching ensure agents are prepared to resolve any customer call type. Agent trained on Empathy and soft skills increases CSAT.

Improve Call Quality and Compliance

23% increase in FCR. Custom-built with your call skills to ensure the outcomes you want. Eliminates human bias and errors found in traditional training. Advanced simulation capabilities and branching ensure agents are prepared to resolve any customer call type.

Learn It, Try It, Do It


Agents progress quickly through Guided & Unguided practice stages with the help of their AI CoachTM


With Call Simulator, agents receive call skill, chat and screen navigation coaching during their roleplay, and auto-certify to speak with live customers.


Advanced AI Simulation


Create the most lifelike, unbiased roleplay experience for your agents


Call Simulator is customized with your brand call, chat and screen navigation parameters and requirements. Making it YOUR smartest training platform on the planet.


Reporting & Insights


Watch as Agents & KPIs Improve


AI CoachTM provides the most flexible and data-rich reporting capabilities to arm leaders with comprehensive dashboards and insights they can customize to their needs.


Easy to Deploy and Build to Serve Global Enterprises

No matter where, how, or how many agents you have. Call Simulator is flexible and implementation friendly.

Primary AI CoachTM Use Cases

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