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CRM Software

Real Estate CRM Software Helps Boost Sales

According to statistics, referred consumers, previous customers, friends, family, and relatives account for approximately 80% of real estate transactions. Skydev’s CRM was created exclusively for real estate enterprises ranging from small and medium-sized to major corporations and firms. It provides solutions for sales process management, customer service, and business automation for real estate agents, individual brokers, investors, and developers.

CRM supports visual project visits and booking in the real estate industry

Our offerings

Flexible searching

Skydev’s CRM may be compared to Google for the real estate business since it gives diverse information to search engines such as project name, needs, and basic client information, making it easier for real estate brokers to locate information and take care of consumers.



Just 3 to 5 seconds, customer information may be edited and updated in the system in real time, allowing brokers to maximize their workday.

Work optimization


At each level, brokers can tag their leaders to ask for help. Anyone who has been tagged will soon receive an account notification, enabling them to aid coworkers. The team’s communication will increase, and the task will be finished more rapidly.

Maximum security

Protects 100% of your client information and prevents information from being disclosed to unauthorized workers by a decentralized feature for each account. Customer information will only be displayed in whole or in part for accounts that are granted access.

Manage deals in real time


Skydev has developed a tool that tracks the full customer journey from first interest in real estate to successful closing, including lead generation, conversion to deals, and closed sales.

Your Benefits

All of your contacts are managed by a CRM, which also gathers crucial customer data like demographics, purchase histories, and prior communications across all channels and makes it readily available to anybody in your company who needs it.

With a CRM, your agents have access to all of the information they need about the customer and can provide a better customer experience.

A CRM solution may assist you in automating crucial processes, streamline your sales process, build a sales funnel, and analyze all of your sales data in one location, which might boost productivity and revenues.

A CRM enables you to develop a step-by-step sales procedure that your agents can rely on and that you can readily modify if issues emerge.

Once you’ve acquired and converted leads, the question is how to keep them as customers and promote customer loyalty.
The CRM will include sentiment analysis, automatic ticketing, automated customer assistance, and tracking of user activity to assist you in identifying issues and resolving them with your customers.

Easier management of customer information and data will make it easier for agents to take care of them, which will bring satisfaction to customers.


With Skydev CRM, the customer lifecycle will be manage in the following:
– Buyers of real estate will get started by looking at properties that suit their requirements.
– Once identified, they will contact the broker for advice.
– The brokerage team will schedule a direct interaction with consumers after exchanging fundamental real estate information. Besides, brokers will also offer similar products for customers to choose from. At this stage, the CRM makes it easy for the broker to retrieve the stored product.
– Following that, customers will be able to see the house in person to have a real feeling and easily choose.
– After the client makes a decision, the broker negotiates with the client about the deposit and terms.

One mistake people often make is thinking CRM is only for big businesses. Actually that’s not the case. CRM is for all companies, large or small.
Skydev CRM is suitable for all businesses of different sizes. Moreover, Skydev can customize according to some unique customer requirements. Customers can rest assured because we will make all your ideas come true.

The pricing of CRM largely depends on your company’s finances and needs. If you want to store more or use it for a long time, the cost will change.
Please contact us for the best advice.

Why choose Skydev real estate CRM

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