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Digital Evaluation

Digital Evaluation​

Skydev will assist you in better understanding where your digital capabilities and services currently stand in comparison to the competitors. We will assess opportunities and risks in order to inform short- and long-term digital priorities.

Digital evaluation is the process of going through your business digital performance and evaluating its efficiency. Evaluating your digital presence, channels, product portfolio and capabilities against competitors in your industry and similar products in other industries can provide a useful starting point. The benchmark identifies gaps that may need to be closed and opportunities to achieve sustainable competitive advantage. The assessment takes into account not only the company’s own digital characteristics, but also its presence and perception through third-party and social media channels.

Digital Evaluation Services

Key Features of Skydev’s Digital Evaluation​

Assess the company’s digital resources 


To give out the correct evaluation, our team will go through your company’s digital resources, and Skydev will identify the company’s strengths and weaknesses across all key dimensions (reach, engagement, conversion, etc.) 

Consulting on your current digital performance


We offer help to your current digital plan, not to cancel, but to adjust it with your marketing team. A digital marketing plan costs an amount of resources, and it would be wasteful to cancel it. Our professional Skydev team will help you to adjust the current plan to meet your expectations and to build the foundation for your next campaign.

Fast, Accurate and Honest


Our digital evaluation can be described as 3 words “Fast – Accurate – Honest”. The process will be fast, so you can quickly catch up on the digital competition. The evaluation’s result is accurate, you can put your trust with us to help you find and adjust your campaign. The Skydev team will always be honest with our work’s morals, we will give it our best to assist you even if it is a small problem.

Success case

Benefits of Digital Evaluation

+ Know your position in the short-run and long-run of digital competition. 

+ Benchmarks your organisation’s talents and design to determine the execution on a digital strategy. 

+ Quickly identify your issues and solve them with the best approaches. 

+ Identify your digital performance on all channels (both the one you are using and the new ones) 


Skydev Digital Evaluation is for any company, especially Real Estate companies. Technology in the real estate industry is currently quite low. When your business converts digitally as soon as possible, it will increase its competitive advantage over competitors.

The cost will depend on the negotiation about the conducting time, the support and the result. 

Skydev offers various options based on your company’s performance, and we will be happy to support the company to adjust and apply it.

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